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Peggy Coffeen

00:02 all right so Peggy coughing so happy to 00:05 have you on the everyday enthusiast you 00:07 are a mother a dairy editor in a Dairy 00:09 editor industrial hemp farmer you're a 00:12 partner in a hemp CBD company you're 00:14 multi-talent so I'd assume so fascinated 00:19 by you know the hemp industry and all 00:21 the innovations that are happening in 00:24 the industry because it's relatively new 00:25 I mean I mean it's existed for hundreds 00:28 of years but the real innovations and 00:31 then are happening right now in the last 00:33 decade but you started out in dairy 00:35 right yes so my background my husband's 00:40 as well is we grew up on dairy farms so 00:42 we are fourth-generation farmers we've 00:44 just shifted our gears a little bit to 00:46 not only include raising some cattle on 00:48 our small farm in Wisconsin but also to 00:51 take its make rich and setting it aside 00:53 for growing industrial hemp for CBD 00:55 production what so how many cows do you 00:58 have on your farm so that number flexes 01:02 a little bit right now we have five 01:04 ahead of dairy cattle which includes 01:07 three heifers which means they'd be the 01:10 ones that haven't had babies yet and 01:12 then also two steers so those would be 01:14 ones that we are raising for for beef so 01:18 you're breeding cattle and and so my 01:20 gosh that means like you know if you get 01:22 to like play with like the little cows 01:24 or like the cows kind of territorial 01:26 sometimes you know like dogs are what 01:27 their puppies are like do you get to 01:28 actually interact with the baby cows or 01:30 if there is a term for a baby cow that 01:32 I'm not using sure so we call those 01:34 calves and around here are VR baby yeah 01:41 so we have a pretty close relationship 01:44 with our animals and their plants too 01:46 because we all we are really small and 01:48 family running hands-on so yes we have 01:51 some pretty tame and pretty friendly 01:53 animals including one of our young cows 01:55 that I just took for a visit to my 01:57 children's daycare last week yeah my 01:59 aunt she bred German shepherds which 02:02 obviously is a totally different role 02:03 but you know it's just you grow this 02:05 such a bond with like the animals over 02:08 time and like you like you grow a bond 02:11 with the puppies and of course 02:12 eventually you sell them off 02:13 I'm assuming you probably do that with 02:15 some of the cats as well and it's like 02:16 oh it's just so hard to say goodbye to 02:18 them really going to a new farm or a new 02:21 house a new family so how did you know 02:26 know the hemp farming how did you get 02:28 into that so because we have always been 02:31 involved in farming both my husband and 02:33 I we originally got into a growing 02:35 industrial hemp basically to raise it as 02:37 a cash crop and this was two years ago 02:39 when Wisconsin entered into a pilot 02:42 program for for him for industrial hemp 02:45 specifically so we got a growers license 02:48 and kind of dug in to figuring out how 02:51 to grow it and what to do with it so 02:53 yeah so that was our original plan was 02:56 to grow it as a cash crop basically 02:58 because we're farmers and we're always 03:00 growing something however things change 03:04 a little bit for me because I started 03:06 using CBD myself and and that's when I 03:09 realized well a couple of things number 03:12 one that as a consumer of it I really 03:15 did not know what I was purchasing when 03:18 I would buy it online I didn't know 03:19 where it was coming from or what was 03:21 even really in it but what I did know 03:23 was that it worked and it was helping me 03:24 tremendously but then when I realized we 03:27 had this opportunity to take what we 03:29 were growing basically in our own 03:30 backyard and not only use it for myself 03:33 but to share that with others I just 03:35 realized like there was this huge 03:36 opportunity to share what we grow right 03:40 here because we grow some good stuff and 03:42 we know right where it's coming from we 03:44 know how it's been raised and now we're 03:46 able to share that with people and 03:47 really help them in a meaningful way to 03:50 have less stress and anxiety which was 03:52 one of the big things that I've 03:54 benefited from personally and still do 03:55 every single day sleeping better and 03:57 also pain relief has been another huge 04:01 benefit of CBD for our customers Wow 04:04 hemp is such a multi-use crop I mean so 04:08 while you were growing it as a cash crop 04:09 like explain to our listeners like what 04:12 are all the different things that I mean 04:14 our founding fathers used hemp you know 04:16 and they grew hemp like a you know in 04:18 that modern times how do people use hemp 04:20 other than CBD like how we know when you 04:22 were growing it as a cash crop the 04:24 purchasers what were they using it for 04:26 so 04:27 when I say we're going into 04:28 cash-strapped what that basically means 04:30 is that we were growing it to harvest it 04:33 and then hand it off and sell it to a 04:36 processor and be done with be done with 04:39 our connection with the products right 04:41 there so so most of the hemp that was 04:46 grown in Wisconsin and continues to be 04:47 grown here is for the purpose of CBD now 04:50 there are other areas not so much here 04:52 but in other states that do grow hemp 04:54 for its fibrous properties because as 04:56 you mentioned hemp has been around for a 04:58 very very long time and in fact one of 04:59 its uses in the 1940s was to make rope 05:03 because the u.s. wanted to become less 05:05 dependent on imported rope from Japan 05:08 they were able to actually use a fibrous 05:11 industrial hemp for making rope so yeah 05:14 a multi-purpose plant but most of our 05:16 purpose for hemp right here in Wisconsin 05:18 is for CBD production so that was our 05:21 original intent was to grow it you know 05:24 harvest it collect it all up take it to 05:26 a processor for them to purchase it and 05:28 to say you know see you later good luck 05:31 have fun helping people and be done with 05:33 it 05:34 but we did kind of change our business 05:36 model to hold on to that opportunity to 05:39 just help more people and share with 05:40 more people and to be able to keep you 05:42 know keep it as our own brand that's 05:45 great and you mentioned like the 05:46 personal relief that you get from CBD 05:49 how would you describe to our listeners 05:52 like all the different effects that CBD 05:55 can have on you psychologically you know 05:57 and you said have mentioned it helped 05:59 you in your sleep like what are all the 06:00 benefits of using CBD sure so I sum it 06:04 up with three key words that I use with 06:07 pre savita CBD all the time and that's 06:09 peace rest and relief and the peace 06:13 refers to the relaxation and anxiety 06:17 relieving effects of CBD because of the 06:21 the cannabinoids that are these natural 06:23 occurring compounds that just when they 06:25 get in our bodies affect everybody a 06:27 little bit differently but can have some 06:29 really positive benefits so that one and 06:31 of itself with that stress relief also 06:34 myself and other people experience a 06:36 little bit better focus a little bit 06:38 better able to 06:41 clarity and attention to projects those 06:44 are all some of the benefits that kind 06:46 of tie in to that theme of piece and 06:48 then another benefit is the rest and 06:52 that is the sleek because here again 06:55 another one of the amazing properties of 06:58 these natural occurring compounds is 06:59 actually to help with sleep so one of my 07:03 customers for example you know has told 07:06 me that she was dependent upon a 07:09 sleeping pill prescription 07:10 you know ambien but this has been a 07:13 great solution for her in a natural 07:14 alternative without the scary side 07:16 effects so and then the other part is 07:19 the the relief side and that's what we 07:21 talked about pain aches and pains on 07:23 that so many people feel and it doesn't 07:24 matter how young or old you are any of 07:27 us can have pains and the people that 07:29 have come to me with that you know 07:31 whether it's you know a back pain or 07:34 nerve pain or something that they've 07:36 been dealing with for a long time that 07:37 just come to either the oil that they 07:39 take and ingest under their tongue that 07:42 helps kind of from the inside out or we 07:44 now also offer to a topical salve that 07:46 you put right on a spot where you have 07:49 some pain or inflammation and it just 07:51 has these natural benefits to help with 07:53 relieving that so peace rest and relief 07:56 are the biggest benefits that that we 07:58 see and to kind of you know pivot a 08:01 little bit there to a concern a lot of 08:03 people do have is they they ask you know 08:08 when it when wondering how it's going to 08:10 make you feel and affect your you know 08:12 relaxation or amend to focus things like 08:14 that they want to be assured that 08:17 there's not a psychoactive effect and so 08:20 on what we do as growers is we are first 08:24 of all a federally regulated and 08:26 licensed to make sure that our crop does 08:29 not exceed point three percent THC and 08:32 so we do that from the seed selection on 08:35 up to being really careful about our 08:37 harvest and going through all the state 08:38 regulated regulated testing to make sure 08:41 that we're under that point three 08:43 percent which is the guideline set under 08:46 which it's not known to produce a 08:48 psychoactive effect so that's really 08:49 important for people to know what's 08:52 something a lot of people ask about 08:53 because THC is 08:55 the psychoactive element that would be 08:56 included in the crop correct or correct 08:59 and so anybody that's curious about 09:02 trying CBD it's a much more safer 09:05 alternative and also when you know what 09:07 brand you're buying it from you know 09:09 such as Nina P stress and relief that's 09:11 the genesis kind of behind the brand 09:13 that you're a partner and founder of and 09:15 so people who are looking for an 09:17 alternative and maybe they're scared to 09:19 try something that you know like a pot 09:21 brownie or something like that you know 09:23 that you know a somebody might say well 09:24 it will help you with your pain but 09:26 you're also gonna have a psychoactive 09:28 effect so this is something that will 09:31 cure your pain make you sleep better and 09:33 all on an endless list of other you know 09:36 benefits but without the harsh side 09:38 effects of you know possibly you know 09:40 getting a you know psychoactive reaction 09:42 to it correct correct 09:44 yep so that that's one of the biggest 09:46 draws of people to CBD is that there is 09:49 even there's these wonderful natural 09:51 benefits but because as we are so 09:54 careful and like I said federally 09:57 regulated we make sure that our crop 09:59 meets those standards so that people 10:00 don't have to be concerned with with 10:03 that effect being a part of their 10:04 experience and that's something I was 10:06 also gonna mention because when you if 10:08 you were to get a cannabis card or 10:10 actually I don't even think in 10:11 California you need that anymore and to 10:12 go to one of those shops you don't know 10:14 where they're making that product and 10:16 quite doubtful that they're actually 10:17 being federally regulated so it's very I 10:20 mean I would be scared to try that 10:22 myself so knowing that there's companies 10:24 out there that do it the right way is 10:26 encouraging and also obviously that 10:28 they're federally regulated so just tell 10:30 me a little bit more about the company 10:32 that you're a Durham partner and as a 10:34 piece for us to relief it seems like 10:36 that is really your main points here 10:40 with this brand yeah yes so the peace 10:43 rest in relief side of pre CBD is kind 10:47 of the the foundational pillars that I 10:49 tell but there's there's more to the 10:51 story and so do you do you know what the 10:54 word tree means right that's he honestly 10:57 that's why I was saying peace rest and 10:58 relief because I was scared to pronounce 11:00 it I was like pre FRA I don't know 11:04 tell me about it yeah so pre and it's 11:07 Bell P apostrophe RI is actually a word 11:11 that's used in the Bible in the Hebrew 11:13 translation for a verse called Galatians 11:17 5:22 and that's the verse that refers to 11:19 the fruits of the Spirit and the fruits 11:21 of the spirit are the nine attributes of 11:25 love and joy and peace and patience and 11:27 kindness and gentleness and faithfulness 11:30 and goodness and self-control oh wow 11:33 Bravo yes nice that was great those are 11:38 the foundations of this Bible verse from 11:41 Galatians 5:22 of the called the fruit 11:43 of the Spirit and when the vision for 11:47 this brand hit me one day when I was 11:50 outside in the field I just felt that 11:53 verse so strongly on my heart and and 11:57 and like this is this is what so many of 12:00 us are missing we are missing out on 12:02 these attributes because something is 12:05 getting in our way and how often is that 12:09 stress our inability to focus and be 12:12 present and be in the moment and be 12:14 mindful how often is a pain how often is 12:17 it that we are getting a terrible 12:18 night's sleep if we're sleeping at all 12:20 how all of those things together are 12:23 what we're missing out on that whole 12:25 culmination of things are what we're 12:27 missing out on when we're lacking in one 12:29 of those areas and for me it pre has 12:32 been such an amazing tool in being able 12:35 to knock out some of those barriers so 12:37 that I can really experience the 12:39 fullness of what life has to offer and 12:41 that's what I want to share with other 12:43 people when I say you know we can share 12:44 what we grow here it's sharing all of 12:46 those good attributes that that life has 12:50 for us and and because that's such a 12:52 strong part of our brand and the 12:55 foundation of who we are one thing that 12:58 I include for people that's a little bit 13:00 different than other CBD businesses out 13:03 there is that people can select and opt 13:06 in to choose a handwritten prayer card 13:08 that comes with their order of three to 13:09 address either peace rest or relief in 13:12 their lives and that's because and in my 13:15 experience in a my 13:17 um in my belief there's a lot of things 13:20 that CBD can help you cope with but 13:23 there is a spiritual side of true 13:27 healing and hope and health and 13:30 restoration that is more than what CBD 13:34 can do and by combining those things 13:36 together that is how we experience true 13:39 peace rest really that's so great I love 13:42 that there's a real spiritual element to 13:44 the brand because and it's beautiful how 13:47 Bible verses or even a verse from a book 13:49 that maybe somebody is really profoundly 13:52 impacted by like I can see that when you 13:54 first brought it up it conjured up those 13:56 emotions again for you you know it's 13:58 it's really deeply ingrained in you and 14:01 so and also I think obviously when 14:03 you're building a brand in a new 14:04 business having that personal touch of a 14:06 hand breaking prayer card when somebody 14:08 receives that they know that this person 14:10 this isn't just a brand that selling me 14:12 a product this is somebody that's 14:13 wanting to like you said share something 14:15 with me that's really really that's 14:17 really beautiful what inspired you to do 14:19 that I mean obviously the use had this 14:21 click one day is that what happened you 14:23 just like I have to include this as part 14:25 of the brand this is important well that 14:28 that came uh I'd say like maybe a week 14:30 or a week or two later the original idea 14:33 for Cree was so strong in my mind and 14:35 then uh you know one morning I was out 14:36 for a jog in our beautiful countryside 14:38 here and I was just I was just praying 14:42 for a little guidance and direction over 14:44 over where to go with this crazy idea 14:47 that I had and how to really bring in a 14:49 bigger and deeper element and this idea 14:53 of the personal prayer card just came 14:56 right to me and it just made made sense 14:59 and it feels it for me it just feels 15:01 right because I can share not only what 15:04 we grow here but I can share a piece of 15:06 my heart with our customers too well 15:08 also it's a good piece of advice for 15:10 somebody who's a business owner and 15:11 entrepreneur follow your instinct and 15:13 you know your intuition led you down the 15:15 right road that's let's put the great so 15:18 obviously as you're building this 15:19 business you go from you know farming 15:23 hemp on your farm for a cash crop to a 15:25 real industrialized process of 15:28 extraction and everything how did you go 15:31 do like how did you start that process 15:32 of saying okay well now we have this 15:34 product.this hem how did we turn it into 15:36 CBD oil sure so what we are really 15:40 fortunate that right here in our own 15:42 area and the within 20 miles of where 15:45 our little farm is here there is also a 15:48 processor that handles CBD extraction 15:52 and they've been a tremendous partner 15:53 with us because they are there some 15:56 people that we really trust and know are 15:58 really knowledgeable and really exert a 16:01 lot of quality control in their process 16:03 so they are local as well like I said 16:05 about 20 miles or 20 minutes from us 16:07 right here so I'm able to it to be it in 16:11 that part of the process as well and see 16:14 their extraction units that they use 16:16 which is a co2 based extraction it's the 16:19 same thing that a lot of essential oils 16:21 would be extracted with and and they do 16:24 the extraction there and then also they 16:26 have a wonderful sterile sanitary 16:30 environment where they can do all of our 16:31 bottle filling and sealing so that we 16:34 make sure we have the quality control on 16:36 that end as well but yeah we we have a 16:39 really great local partner that we trust 16:40 that handles the processing side for us 16:43 that's convenient 16:45 I mean like good now it seems like 16:47 there's a stigma around you know hemp 16:50 and also marijuana of course you know 16:51 it's like cousin now but that's been 16:54 removed in the last you know decades or 16:55 so when did Wisconsin was it legalized 16:59 at a certain point or like when did the 17:01 like I mean could you have imagined 10 17:03 years ago that there would be a CBD 17:04 extraction place you know right down the 17:06 road or was it there I mean I'm unsure 17:08 of the history of this right right so so 17:12 it this is the third year that were 17:15 entering right here that Wisconsin has 17:16 opened up this pilot program for 17:18 industrial hemp so it's relatively new 17:20 other states are in different stages of 17:23 being able to allow growing and 17:25 processing and things like that but 17:27 Wisconsin really really kind of started 17:29 opening up its arms because I think as 17:31 you know our state recognized that we 17:33 have this huge agricultural potential to 17:35 do large-scale and also and also support 17:38 small-scale type of businesses like ours 17:40 with industrial hemp growth but 17:42 even three years ago there were still 17:45 there's more stigmas than there are 17:47 today and there's still a lot today that 17:49 I run into but I'll be the first to 17:51 admit that when my husband came home and 17:53 said hey let's grow hemp in our backyard 17:56 I'm pretty sure my response was I'm not 17:58 growing drugs in my backyard because my 18:02 mind had not was not educated on what 18:06 industrial hemp really was and and 18:08 there's still a ton of stigmas out there 18:10 people believe that it is the same as 18:13 marijuana and there are related plants 18:15 but as I mentioned before from the point 18:18 of seed selection and seed genetics all 18:21 the way through they're totally 18:23 different purposes and we ensure that 18:24 our plants grow up to the CBD is good 18:29 and then so back to the extraction 18:32 process and you made a really 18:34 interesting comment that it's just 18:35 exactly what somebody would what a 18:36 company would be doing for essential 18:38 oils so you know anybody who would think 18:40 like oh gosh well how do they do those 18:41 are there chemicals involved it's like 18:42 no it's the same exact process we know 18:44 the same stuff you put on your body 18:46 every day yeah and there are different 18:48 extractions and methods out there some 18:50 of them use like ethanol alcohol but it 18:53 was important to us to be able to have 18:55 something that would just really ensure 18:57 that quality and purity and that's why 19:00 we're so fortunate and why you know part 19:02 of this whole project or this whole 19:04 business for us coming together was the 19:06 fact that all the dots are right there 19:07 we had this local processor with a 19:10 sophisticated and high-tech machine that 19:13 could do this for us and do a quality 19:14 job I mean all the all the little dots 19:17 kind of line right up that the players 19:19 the right players and the right partners 19:21 just happened to be right here so that's 19:24 perfect how do you see the hemp industry 19:27 CBD industry evolving over the next few 19:30 years as you know as maybe more states 19:32 try pilot programs and maybe just go 19:34 fully pledge and let businesses do what 19:36 they want yeah so I think um I think 19:39 there's gonna be a few things going on 19:40 there's definitely an evolution that's 19:43 happening and the growing and processing 19:45 side where there's more processors that 19:47 are coming online more that are not just 19:51 talking but actually going through with 19:53 plans to establish 19:55 their businesses so the processing side 19:58 is is really starting to evolve and 20:00 that's positive because one of the 20:01 issues that we ran into last year as we 20:04 talked with our other friends at our 20:05 farmers and we're also growing 20:06 industrial hemp was that the processors 20:09 were not at the capacity where they 20:11 could actually take their product so 20:12 many of them that did not choose to go 20:16 the route that we did of marketing our 20:17 own product they are some of them are 20:20 still sitting on their crop from last 20:22 year that they haven't been able to find 20:24 a market for so so there are positive 20:28 signs of that process evolving so that 20:32 there's greater opportunity for growers 20:34 to be able to to grow it and one of the 20:38 other things that I think you know that 20:40 I per see in the future of this business 20:41 is that it's gaining more traction it's 20:45 starting to attract more research 20:46 dollars it's starting to attract any 20:49 more attention from the health community 20:51 and I don't think it'll be long before 20:54 we see some of the larger pharmaceutical 20:56 companies that start to tout some of 20:59 these products as well and grow their 21:01 own on the commercialize scale so 21:03 there's I think there's opportunity to 21:05 really see more and more of that in the 21:07 future as well because you can't you 21:10 can't deny the benefits that some people 21:12 are feeling they just need the science 21:15 to catch up with that to prove it to put 21:18 some science behind it and and I think 21:21 you know despite the the growth that 21:24 we'll see and probably commercialization 21:26 and at some point I think there's still 21:29 I think there's still a place for those 21:32 of us that want to have our hands 21:34 involved on a small scale and want to 21:37 know our customers and want to be able 21:39 to just really put our heart into what 21:41 we do and for people to feel that then 21:43 when they receive their CBD products - 21:45 that's a really good point about that 21:48 federal research and other you know 21:50 scientific organizations doing research 21:53 on hemp because then they'll be able to 21:55 dispel those stigmas those rumors and 21:58 the public will be more comfortable with 22:00 it at large but then you know as 22:02 somebody who's a small a small business 22:04 owner in this industry do you welcome or 22:08 fear you know 22:09 it could be inevitable of the 22:10 pharmaceutical industry's Big Pharma 22:12 getting into this industry and maybe not 22:14 for the period up for the better because 22:16 it seems like that might not that could 22:19 you know drive up prices or who knows 22:20 what could be the possible outcomes of 22:22 that I think the way I look at it is 22:25 that CBD has can help people in so many 22:30 ways that hopefully if it becomes more 22:33 commercialized it only reaches more 22:34 people so I mean that's that's my 22:37 positive outlook on that is that more 22:40 people are helped in some way but I 22:43 think the the point of you know 22:45 differentiation is that there will still 22:49 be some people that you know just prefer 22:51 to know their farmer and just prefer to 22:53 know where they're you know what they're 22:55 putting in their body or on their bodies 22:56 coming from and that's where there's the 22:59 niche for small little operations like 23:01 us I think there always be a demand and 23:04 especially with a brand like yours that 23:06 puts that personal touch I think 23:07 there'll always be a spot in the 23:09 industry no matter what the inevitable 23:11 baby with big farm up I hope that even 23:13 with that you know there'll be federal 23:15 regulations and people will feel safe 23:17 and and I like that a no matter what you 23:19 feel happy that people are being helped 23:20 and you know that's great um so for the 23:24 current pandemic I mean I have you seen 23:26 any uptick in your business have you 23:28 seen movie more people at eager to try 23:30 CBD after being stuck in their houses 23:32 for mice yes as a matter of fact even 23:37 when we talk about going back to my 23:38 three pillars of peace rest and relief 23:40 if there has been a time ever before 23:42 that people have experienced this level 23:45 of unrest this level of stress and 23:48 unpeaceful miss it has been the past 23:50 three to four months and and that was 23:53 evident in the business that we've been 23:56 able to do here it's been one of our 23:59 benefits the fact that we are small and 24:02 the fact that I basically do everything 24:03 myself then I was able to keep open and 24:08 to keep a business because our primary 24:09 our primary marketing is online so so 24:12 for us we don't rely on a store to bend 24:14 products for us everything is you know 24:16 online and I pretty much you know well I 24:18 do touch every single box or every 24:21 single package 24:23 so so we were able to stay in business 24:26 and to continue to help those people 24:28 that were looking for just some some 24:31 peace and rest and relief during that 24:33 time and and I think it and drew people 24:39 that had not been pushed to that limit 24:41 before you know people that deal with 24:43 stress really well people that are used 24:45 to functioning at a super high level but 24:48 this was just something none of them 24:50 could have predicted and especially in 24:53 in my personal network of the dairy 24:56 farming community our dairy farmers were 24:58 among those that really really were hit 25:02 hard during covin with a disruption of 25:04 their supply chain and because that is 25:06 such a core of who we serve with pre-and 25:09 they're my people they're my family 25:10 they're my friends we were able to help 25:14 that a lot of people in that community 25:15 and then you know something that that we 25:18 did too just had to just kind of you 25:21 know offer a little more peace of mind 25:24 was I kind of branched off my brand of 25:29 pre and my Facebook page to a separate 25:32 social media group through Facebook that 25:35 was all focused on prayers and 25:37 devotionals and just really sharing 25:40 those messages and through that I was 25:42 also able to partner with a couple 25:44 friends and we distributed a special 25:46 prayer card to two hundred dairy farmers 25:48 across the country so so we kind of 25:50 looked at that time as okay how can how 25:53 can we serve how can we best serve and 25:57 I'd done deep into my heart and even 25:59 though it was a little bit you know a 26:01 little bit different than what you might 26:02 expect with being the CBD brand that 26:05 prayer community is something that has 26:07 really grown and and just filled a spot 26:11 in my heart and a lot of other people 26:12 are just looking for that deeper 26:14 connection Oh 26:15 Peggy you have a big heart that's so 26:17 kind and I'm happy to hear that you're 26:19 you're thriving during this time because 26:21 I know it's been a heart for a lot of 26:22 small businesses but that's good to hear 26:23 that you're thriving that's really great 26:25 so just to wrap things up what would you 26:28 say to those people out there who you 26:30 know they're watching this they're now 26:32 intrigued but they still have that 26:34 lingering doubt or fear about trying 26:36 CBD what would you say to them to just 26:38 take that leap and try this product sure 26:40 I would first say I totally understand 26:43 totally relate and totally connect to 26:45 that feeling of being scared nervous and 26:48 it's suspicious about trying CBD but if 26:53 if you feel like one of those areas of 26:56 your life could use a little relief and 26:59 that you're ready for some help to just 27:02 really live like the best way that you 27:03 can live it look for first of all 27:07 products that have a third-party testing 27:09 certification and so most will have that 27:12 on their website ours for example at pre 27:15 CBD comm we have all of those lab 27:17 results that are posted on our website 27:19 because after our bottles are filled a 27:21 sample that sent out to a third party 27:23 processing center and they just are 27:25 going to go through and do one more 27:27 verification to make sure everything 27:28 that we say is on that bottle is in that 27:31 bottle so the correct amount of CBD the 27:34 correct amount of THC it's called a 27:37 cannabinoid panel if you are interested 27:39 in the lingual but but look for that 27:42 third-party testing certification to 27:44 make sure that you have a quality 27:45 product if you can I think we all we all 27:49 have that passion to want to support 27:51 local by local and know where stuff is 27:53 coming from so if you can find a local 27:55 source where you're at look to those 27:57 local sources and you know if we can 27:59 provide something for you we're happy to 28:01 do that too but definitely look always 28:03 look for the third-party testing just to 28:05 make sure that you know what's in it and 28:06 also it you know where it's coming from 28:09 where it's being processed and where 28:11 it's being grown as well so those would 28:13 be probably the biggest things and then 28:15 the other the other side of it add to 28:17 that is that if you do decide to to try 28:21 CBD for whatever it might be Ellen you 28:24 just know that there's a lot of 28:25 different ways that you can use it the 28:29 oil tinctures you take under your tongue 28:31 and they kind of work from the inside 28:32 out on all of those pillars that I refer 28:35 to but then our staff and other topical 28:38 creams you just put right on your skin 28:40 and then also we do a bath bomb as well 28:44 that is that you absorb through your 28:46 skin and just really relaxes your 28:48 muscles right through your skin 28:49 there's just so many ways that you can 28:52 utilize it and so you know just be 28:56 open-minded to to really figuring out 28:59 for one what you're trying that what 29:01 what you're seeking help with and then 29:02 also what's the best mode of receiving 29:06 CBD for you to help with that specific 29:08 problem so that's that's a great great 29:15 answer and also really helpful consumer 29:17 advice for those who are wanting to try 29:18 it all right well if you're looking for 29:20 some peace rest and relief checkout free 29:22 I'm definitely going to be getting some 29:23 of their products today thank you so 29:25 much Peggy thank you so much thank you

theTUNDRA sits down with hemp farmer Peggy Coffeen, founder of P'ri CBD. Peggy dispels the myths and stigmas surrounding CBD, explaining anyone can use it if they are searching for peace, rest, and relief. Follow this link to check out the amazing products at P'ri CBD:


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