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Does Our Earth Have A Different Planet Inside Of It?

Its like that movie 'Malignant' but with planets

Heidi Lux
September 23 2021

Nobody has ever actually been inside the center of the Earth, despite Jules Verne’s claims otherwise. So, we don’t actually know what’s there first hand. It’s all just speculation. Currently, there’s speculation going around that Earth’s center doesn’t completely belong to one, singular planet, but rather, our Earth is more like a Russian nesting doll, but with planets.  

A gnarly collision: NASA/JPL Cal Tech  

It’s long been believed that the moon was created when the Earth collided with a planet called Theia 4.5 billion years ago. However, the details weren’t quite clear. Nobody has found evidence of this so-called planet that so-call collided with Earth. There are no meteorites. No asteroids. Not even a large chunk of it sticking out in some random desert. Nothing. 

But Qian Yuan of Arizona State University believes Theia was absorbed by the Earth, and its skeleton remains underneath the Earth’s crust. Under Africa and the Pacific Ocean, to be exact.  

We’ve known for a while that there are two blobs of rock sitting over the Earth’s core. They’re technically called the large low-shear-velocity-provinces or LLSVPs – which sounds like a fancy executive’s title and a lot more scientific than “blobs.” Scientists were able to find the LLSVPs by sending seismic waves down into the planet. They found that these blobs were between 1.5% and 3.5% denser than the rest of Earth’s mantle and a whole helluva lot hotter. They’re also huge – millions of times larger than Mount Everest, which, for reference, is also huge.  

Yuan believes that the LLSVPs are actually Theia. “You could say that these are the biggest and largest meteorites if they are mostly Theia’s mantle. It’s very cool,” he told Vice. But actually, they’re hot. Theia most likely sunk inside Earth’s mantle within hours after the collision because it was most likely rich in iron. This most likely prevented the likely planet from being most likely absorbed into the mantle, which is why there’s most likely no evidence of this most likely reckless planet. It’s literally inside us.  

It seems probable that Theia’s impact caused the chunk of our planet that is now the moon to fly off into space and enter our orbit. We’ve been able to go to the moon and check out its rocks, so we know that the moon’s composition matches Earth’s. So, the moon probably isn’t a piece of Theia as speculated.  

Yuan’s theory solves two mysteries in one. There’s no way to know for sure since we can’t travel 4.5 million years back in time – yet. However, both NASA and China have plans to get their hands on unaltered rocks from the moon’s mantle, which are believed to exist in an impact crater. We may have our answers soon enough.  



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