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The Jupiter system, featuring the Io plasma torus.
The Jupiter system, featuring the Io plasma torus.

Jupiter's Moons Make The Jupiter System Its Own Miniature Solar System

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It also has the greatest number of known moons, currently at 69 (we keep finding new ones). Some of these are like miniature planets.
The four major moons are also known as the Galilean moons, named for their discoverer Galileo Galilei. These are some of the largest known moons in the solar system, comparable in size to the planet Mercury. The largest moon, Ganymede is bigger than Mercury and has its own magnetosphere and internal liquid ocean.
The next largest is Callisto, which is the most heavily cratered body in the solar system due to its unchanging terrain. Callisto may also have an internal ocean. Io is the third largest moon of Jupiter and the 4th largest in the solar system. It's the most geologically active object in the solar system, with over 400 volcanoes.
Europa is the smallest of Jupiter's major moons, but it is arguably the most intriguing due to its heated internal ocean of salty water. It has all of the ingredients for life!
Europa is the current most likely candidate for extraterrestrial life in our solar system, with many proposed missions.
Ganymede (Jupiter III)
Ganymede (Jupiter III)
Europa (Jupiter II)
Europa (Jupiter II)
The cover of Io Europa and Ganymede's debut album:
The cover of Io Europa and Ganymede's debut album:
Callisto (Jupiter IV)
Callisto (Jupiter IV)
The major moons compared to Earth.
The major moons compared to Earth.
One of Io's volcanoes erupting.
One of Io's volcanoes erupting.
Io (Jupiter I)
Io (Jupiter I)
“The four major moons are also known as the Galilean moons.”
Mockup of Europa's internal ocean.
Mockup of Europa's internal ocean.


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