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IN THEIR WORDS: Q & ACE With Petra Michael, SKYblue Pickleball

Italian-trained designer applies her art to pickleball athleisure wear

July 24 2023
athletic clothing

L-R: Chris & Margi Dawson, Petra Michael & Shawn Berry Photo Credit: SKYblue Pickleball

TUNDRA met-up with Petra Michael, CEO and Co-Founder of SKYblue Pickleball, a leading design firm on the pickleball x athleisure crossover scene, at the 2023 US Open Pickleball Championships in Naples, FL. Michael came to our attention vis-a-vis her amazing designs as worn by Lupita "Lu" Curiel competing on the Senior Pro circuit at the tournament. Curiel had just finished competing, yet her athletic wear looked as if it were ready for lunch at the Four Seasons – SKYblue’s European-inspired designs, a waterfall of bold colors on chic patterns on lightweight and versatile fabric that integrates sunscreen as well. 

But what makes this high-performance brand a real stand-out is its extraordinary founder who fittingly studied fashion design and began her career in Rome, before evolving a talent that comes together into one-of-a-kind regionally based designs for professional pickleball team uniforms so popular that fans are purchasing jerseys repping their favorite players and organizations.  

More about this extraordinary designer who isn’t letting a splash drop when it comes to combining her passion for fashion with pickleball…

Lupita "Lu" Curiel senior pro at 2023 US Open Pickleball Championship Photo Credit: SKYblue Pickleball



Jennifer Dawson/NPL & Petra Michael  Photo Credit: SKYblue Pickleball

What was the evolution of your design career?

After graduating from the Accademia Internazionale d'Alta Moda e d'Arte del Costume, I worked for a fashion house in Rome before moving to Chicago to create an up-market brand of customer-specific designs. I was seeking new challenges, and interested in translating my fashion sensibilities into hard goods when I started working with 5-star hotel chains including Four Seasons and the Peninsula Hotel Group.

What were some of your inspirations with SKYblue Pickleball?

In building SKYblue Pickleball, we considered the distinct clothing styles of various sports like baseball, hockey, yoga, tennis, football, and basketball; however, we noticed a lack of a defined style that truly represents the essence of pickleball, inspiring us to create a distinctive clothing line capturing the energy and passion of pickleball players, focusing on designing for professional teams. 

As founder, I'm integrating my Euro-design sensibilities into American fashion-forward aesthetics -- bold colors, and functionality, always keeping sustainability front-and-center with the goal of leading - and quite literally shaping - the future of pickleball apparel. At SKYblue, we aim to create a vibrant and dynamic representation of this incredible sport.

What's SKYblue Pickleball's unique look/feel?

We aim to create designs representing the distinctive identity of Pickleball teams and players, reflecting the pride and passion, and geographic origin, of the communities they represent. We put a high premium on customer feedback, we rely on it, incorporating their preferences in color selection, fabric and design, always keeping the sport’s dynamic essence as SKYblue’s North Star.

casual wear

Shawn Berry & Lupita Curiel USA Open 2023  Photo Credit: SKYblue Pickleball


What's your favorite part of founding and leading SKYblue Pickleball?

I love the positive feedback we receive from the people wearing our designs. It’s amazing to hear from our customers that when wearing our clothing, they not only receive positive recognition and compliments, but they also feel a newfound sense of confidence and pride. It's incredibly rewarding to know that our designs have the power to make our customers feel better, ultimately enhancing their performance on the pickleball court.

Launching a new business is 24/7/365 - how do you start your day?

To jumpstart my day, my go-to ritual is indulging in a delicious cup or two of cappuccino.  I will not leave the house or hotel room without that. To ensure that I can enjoy this delightful experience wherever I go, I even travel with my own coffee, expresso maker and milk frother ensuring that my mornings are always off to a fantastic start.

best athleisure brand

Sandbagger Collection   Photo Credit: Mell Leverton

Which streaming series are you watching right now?

My most recent binge watch was the second season of Bridgerton! It was a pure delight to immerse myself in the captivating storylines, interesting characters, and the fascinating world of the regency era. The romance, drama, and excitement of this season made it an absolute pleasure to binge-watch and enjoy every moment.

How do you relax after a long day? 

My chill-down ritual at night involves watching non-violent and suspense-free movies. It's a perfect way to unwind and relax after a long day, creating a soothing and enjoyable evening routine. By choosing engaging films that are free from intense violence, I can truly relax and find tranquility before bed.

If I wake up in the middle of the night, what concerns me most and keeps me from falling back asleep is the worry of not being able to doze off again. The thought of tossing and turning, unable to find that peaceful state of rest, can be quite unsettling and make it difficult to relax and fall back into a deep sleep.

athleisure clothing

Jenny Marcos in Dink & Drive    Photo Credit: Mark Milner

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

The best advice I ever received was the realization that I can only rely on myself and focus on the things within my control. Understanding that I cannot control the actions or choices of others has been a valuable lesson. It has taught me to channel my energy towards personal growth, decision-making, and taking responsibility for my own actions, ultimately leading to a greater sense of empowerment and inner strength.

What has pickleball has taught you?

Pickleball has taught me that exercise can be enjoyable and fulfilling. It reminds me that staying active doesn't have to feel like work. By making time for activities like Pickleball, I've found a fun and rewarding way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

athleisure trend

Raudel Barba in “I campi da Pickleball”    Photo Credit: APP


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