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Watch Guy Test Drive His Life-Sized 3D-Printed Lego Go-Kart

Motor1 article shared by theTUNDRA
Motor1 article shared by theTUNDRA

Updated June 26th, 2020

Do you like Legos? Go-karts? How about Lego go-karts? If not, we have a video that should convince you that they’re the perfect pairing. It comes from Matt Denton on YouTube, where he’s chronicling the progress of his efforts to build a life-sized 3D-printed Lego go-kart. His latest upload shows him detailing the design and engineering process, though the highlight of the video is him taking the go-kart out on its first test drive inside a large warehouse.

Denton 3D prints the oversized blocks using a variety of different PLA plastics for various pieces, like using PolyLite PLA for non-mechanical parts and PolyMax PLA for those more integral ones like the chassis. Denton details the electric motor, axels, and braking system, too, pointing out where the batteries sit along with the control unit. He plans to add an LCD screen later that’ll display the battery levels.

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