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Could Tom Cruise Be Hollywood's Unexpected Pickleball Prodigy?

Unmasking Cruise's Potential for a New Kind of Action

July 12 2023


Tom Cruise:  All-around great athlete at whatever he takes on...
Tom Cruise: All-around great athlete at whatever he takes on.

From Hollywood Stunts to the Pickleball Court: Unmasking Cruise's Potential for a New Kind of Action

Blink and you might just miss it — the whizz of a little, plastic ball, a quick pivot, and an agile swoop across the court. That's pickleball, the game that rewards precision, agility, and strategy over brute force. While it may not be the most conventional sport for Hollywood A-listers to play (or is it?), there's one leading man this summer who stands as a prime candidate for pickleball prowess: the one and only Tom Cruise.

In the world of sports, certain physical characteristics are more sought after over others. Basketball players benefit from towering height, footballers benefit from sheer mass, swimmers benefit from broad shoulders and a wide wingspan, and so on.

But if you're looking to join the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA), you've got to flip conventional sports wisdom on its head: it's not about reaching the highest, hitting the hardest, or swimming the fastest — it's about swift and agile movement.

Tom Cruise Playing Pickleball?!

Tom Cruise playing pickleball | AI-generated image
Tom Cruise playing pickleball | AI-generated image

In a pickleball matchup, Cruise's height, or rather, the lack of it, could actually work in his favor. The 5-foot-7 actor doesn’t need to fill up a court the same way a basketball center does; instead, he needs to traverse it — quickly, accurately, and strategically.

Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut is one of the only times on film you'll see Cruise at his actual height. Photo Credit: TheThings
Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut is one of the only times on film you'll see Cruise at his actual height. Photo Credit: TheThings

His nimbleness would help him cover ground with surprising speed, darting to-and-fro, left-to-right, and maintaining a low center of gravity. He'd be able to change direction swiftly — a critical skill in a game where volleys fly from one side of the court to the other in a blink.

Taller, bulkier players can often find it challenging to move as rapidly or as efficiently. Just ask any NBA big trying to run the court in a fastbreak. A larger, taller athlete would have a higher center of gravity, which can make quicker movements more difficult. Cruise's modest height and lean build could give a crucial advantage, making him a natural contender as a star in Major League Pickleball (or maybe just a host...).

Photo Credit: Rolling Stone
Photo Credit: Rolling Stone

Cruise's height has long been a subject of discussion in Hollywood trivia, with many noting that he appears taller on screen than in person. This perceived discrepancy comes down to a certain "larger than life" quality that Cruise exudes, an intensity that transforms his physical presence in the proscenium of the camera frame. On the pickleball court, this intensity could manifest as a formidable focus and tenacity.

Agility: The Secret Ingredient to a Stellar Pickleball Player

Time and again, Cruise has showcased his prowess in high-octane action sequences, often working as his own stuntman, deftly dodging explosions, leaping between buildings, and even clinging to the side of a plane mid-flight. He's proven that he's no stranger to swift, precise movements — a crucial skillset on the pickleball court (and the tennis court, too, for that matter).

Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible
Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible. Photo Credit: GIPHY

Agility is the lifeblood of the game, and players who can anticipate an opponent's move, dart across the court to make a save, and accurately return the ball with finesse are handsomely rewarded. Cruise's dedication to performing his own stunts showcases an impressive agility that would lend itself well to the quick exchanges and sharp reflexes required of the game.

Cruise’s compact build could just be the secret weapon he needs to excel – it's easy to picture him darting around pickleball courts and positioning himself perfectly to return each shot with a combination of skill, speed, and strategic finesse.

Tom Cruise's (in)famous couch jump on Oprah. Photo Credit: GIPHY
Tom Cruise's (in)famous couch jump on Oprah. Photo Credit: GIPHY


The Stuntman's Discipline: A Game-Changing Advantage

Beyond his physical attributes, Cruise's devoted approach to his craft would also be a significant asset. Performing one's own stunts requires an immense level of discipline, rigorous training, and a willingness to push beyond perceived limitations. Cruise's meticulous preparation and unparalleled work ethic have been a cornerstone of his career, earning him a reputation as one of the most dedicated actors in Hollywood.

Tom Cruise wants to continue his 'Mission: Impossible' series until he is 80. Photo Credit: Paudal
Tom Cruise wants to continue his 'Mission: Impossible' series until he is 80. Photo Credit: Paudal

This dedication would undoubtedly translate well to pickleball. The sport requires constant practice to master its unique blend of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong elements. A really dedicated pickleball player must be committed to learning and refining their techniques, and there's no doubt that Cruise's disciplined approach would put him in good stead.

Experience Over Youth

While Cruise might be older than your average sports rookie (or even retiree), his age could be another unexpected asset. As the adage goes, age is just a number, and Cruise's ongoing success in physically demanding roles proves that he's more than capable of holding his own against younger counterparts. In fact, his experience and wisdom could offer a strategic advantage on the court.

Pickleball is a game of strategy as much as it is about physicality. Understanding where to place the ball, when to opt for a soft shot over a hard hit, and how to outwit an opponent are skills often honed over time. With Cruise's wealth of life experience, his ability to think on his feet and quickly adapt to changing circumstances could make him a formidable player.

Celebrity Pickleball Tournaments?

With such potential, who knows, maybe Cruise is on his way to owning his own dedicated pickleball court, retrofitting his home to host A-list celebrities and athletes to play pickleball every Sunday?

Tom Cruise giving complimentary beginner lessons to Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes, or Kevin Durant? What GOAT wouldn't take up that offer?

Mission: Impossible-branded pickleball starter kits, in partnership with the Professional Pickleball Association in a free gift bag? We can only imagine...

Last fall, CBS aired Pickled, a one-off celebrity pickleball tournament.
Last fall, CBS aired Pickled, a one-off celebrity pickleball tournament.

A Star Turn on the Pickleball Court?

Tom Cruise has spent decades defying expectations, reinventing himself, and pushing boundaries in Hollywood. Now, imagine him bringing that same zeal to the pickleball court. His unique blend of agility, dedication, and experience, combined with his ideal physique for the game, could position him as an unexpected pickleball prodigy. At the height of his acting career, there's no reason why he couldn't take on another challenge.

Pickleball may be a far cry from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, but for Cruise, it's just another stage to conquer, another role to master. And given his track record, who's to say he won't smash it out of the park — or, in this case, over the pickleball net?



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