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The Porsche Experience Center Is Like Porsche Heaven

This is what car dreams are made of

By Leo Shvedsky
October 22 2021

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Franciacorta track: Porsche AG

There are a few brands that come to mind when one thinks of the world’s finest high end sports roadsters, fewer still that make the hairs on your arm stand on end when thinking of the experience of driving one. And there is only one that has a name that is instantly recognizable – Porsche. 

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A need for speed: Porsche AG

Porsche is, and has been, the king of the mid-engine supercars forever. Ferrari has only ever had one true V6 model, and that was the wonderful 
Dino. Yes, we’re aware of the 256 GTB, but it’s a hybrid so it technically doesn’t count. And yes there are the Ford GT’s and Honda NSX’s of the world, but as amazing as they are let’s face it… They’re not a Porsche.  

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The Jump, then and now: Porsche AG 

So, it goes without saying then that to drive and experience one of these machines for yourself is a definite must. To that end Porsche has built seven centers around the world where you can go test a Porsche in its natural habitat. 

The tracks in these centers are designed to showcase every feature in the various Porsche models. They are also designed for loads of fun.  

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A very slick turn: Porsche AG

The one-mile handling circuit gives you the feeling of a winding country road, and the quarter mile straight is there so you can put that pedal to the metal. They also have something that Porsche is calling a “dynamics area” that is used to “stimulate unique maneuvers encountered during daily driving.” We assume that means a Postmates robot running a traffic light, but we could be wrong.  

There’s also the “kick plate” which is a part of the track that apparently tells your car to move randomly to apparently mimic the car during a fishtail. It sounds terrifying, and it likely is, but it’s probably quite useful as a powerful turbo charged V6 with rear wheel drive is likely to fishtail. This might also explain why the rest of the track is devoted to “low friction” driving. This is fancy car talk for very wet roads.  

And the beautiful thing here is that you don’t need to pretend you’re buying a Porsche, or already own one to test a Porsche out on the track. Each of the experience centers have one on hand that you can rent. You can gun a 911 Turbo for as little as $750/hr. So, if you have that type of cash on hand, all you have to do is book the appointment 




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