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The Most AMAZING 5 Supercar Dealerships

And Why We Think They’re Great!

By Leo Shvedsky
November 19 2021
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Line ‘em up! Shutterstock

For the discerning car enthusiast with pockets as deep as the Marianas Trench and an appetite as wide as a Hippo coming off a juice cleanse, only a one of a kind dealership will do – a supercar dealership.  

These aren’t just any car dealerships. The smarmy salesman in a cheap suit offering you even cheaper coffee are replaced with amenities worthy of their mega-rich clientele, like a dedicated barista and even a spa. You heard that right – if you’re willing to drop enough money on your car, you can get a massage in the process to ease the tension of dropping that much money on a car. 

5. Porsche Experience Center 

Porsche Experience Center Atlanta, GT sports cars. 

Porsche has long been the #1 car for the nouveau riche. This Porsche supercenter has a track that lets you test your purchased Porsche on its native territory. The track is designed to show off every feature of the Porsche, making it an experience like none other. If you have the money for it, it’s worth buying a Porsche just so you experience the drive – even if the only place you drive it is the track at the Porsche Experience Center.  

4. Romans International 

Romans International Dealership. ROYIST  

London has the 7th highest number of billionaires in the world – 63 to be exact. And if you’re one of those 63 people or anyone actually, then you must visit Romans International, the UK’s leading luxury car dealership. Romans International was founded in 1994, giving the family run dealership decades of experience and accountability. So, if you’re in Surrey and want to drive back to London in an Aston Martin you purchased on a whim, check out Romans International, which The Sun glowingly called, “One of Britain's highest end car dealers.”  

3. Amian Exclusive Cars 

Enzo Ferrari. Amian Exclusive Cars  

Most supercars are sold in Europe, with Monaco boasting the highest amount of supercar owners compared to the driving population. So if you’re a Monegasque playboy, it would behoove you to hop in your McLaren and zip over to Cologne, Germany and visit Amian Exclusive Cars. Amian Exclusive Cars specializes in selling the high end European brands you expect to hear in a rap song, like Bugatti, Lamborghini, Maserati. Founded in 2009, Amian Exclusive Cars offers 1,000 meters of sale space and checkups done by Mr. Amian, himself.  

2. Seven Car Lounge 

Lamborghini Diablo GT. Hypercars

Few people in the world buy as many supercars as the billionaires of the oil rich countries on the Arabian Peninsula. Before Seven Car Lounge came along in 2011, luxury and exotic car collectors in Saudi Arabia struggled to find a place where they could truly be themselves. And yes, they put the “lounge” in Seven Car Lounge with their actual lounge – an elite place where only 77 wealthy car collectors can chill.  

1. Ital Automotive  

SF90 Spider. Ital Automotive 

If you happen to be one of the 100 billionaires or many millionaires in China, and are part of the Shanghai Car Club, then you likely already shop at Ital Automotive. This supercar dealership only specializes in Ferraris, but it’s worth shopping here just to be part of the prestigious Ferrari Owner’s Club. If you’ve got it, flaunt it – but not too much, because you’re still in China.  



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