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0:04 [Music] 0:09 I'm Terry Graham I'm Chris Evon I'm one 0:12 of the co-founders of the Mento US Open 0:13 pickleball Championship the Mento US 0:16 Open pickle ball championship's first 0:17 year was in 2016 at that time we had 800 0:21 players and about a th000 fans fast 0:24 forward to 2024 we have over 3,000 0:27 players and we'll have over 50,000 0:28 people come through this far over this 0:31 week we were working at Wilson sporting 0:33 GRS in indoor racket Sports and um we 0:36 started hearing about this sport so we 0:39 did a business plan an extensive 0:41 business plan and it started to show 0:43 that this sport was probably on the 0:46 verge of booming so Terry actually had 0:48 the idea of you know maybe it's ready 0:51 for a big event so we started putting 0:54 together a plan we started thinking 0:56 about the logistics about where we might 0:58 go and this is what we did but we never 1:01 could have dreamed it would have been as 1:02 big as it was as it is Mike Neely here 1:05 from a CEO of USA pickleball and I'm in 1:07 Florida at the US Open it is National 1:10 pickleball month so we're excited to be 1:11 talking about pickleball you know kudos 1:13 to Chris and Terry who started this 1:15 event years ago it has grown into quite 1:17 an event and uh it's fun to be a part of 1:20 so we're jod and Robert Elliott from 1:22 engaged pickle ball and basically I 1:24 don't think the company would have got 1:26 started if I was a little more talented 1:28 so what happened was we were Pro players 1:31 and we were um Drilling and playing a 1:33 lot and my husband was like I don't 1:35 think you can feel the ball so I 1:36 switched companies and I used a 1:39 different paddle and he said oh he said 1:41 that's worse and I said well what do I 1:43 do can you make me a paddle and he said 1:45 yeah I can make you a paddle what was 1:47 that the most expensive paddle ever most 1:49 expensive paddle do it we started engage 1:51 about 8 years ago purely to make a 1:53 better a better paddle and a couple 1:55 people wanted to try the paddle pickle 1:57 ball Central heard about it 6 months 1:58 later ordered five 100 of them and 2:01 within the first year we had half the 2:02 medals at Nationals the pro players and 2:04 amateurs using our paddle I am Kim nice 2:06 wonder I'm the co-founder of waymore 2:08 sports and the chief engagement officer 2:11 I'm Jay Sartor and I am also co-founder 2:14 I am chief inspiration officer and brand 2:16 officer of way more Sports uh we are the 2:18 largest franchisee group of the Pickler 2:20 which is the nation's largest and I 2:23 might I say best uh indoor pickleball 2:25 Club franchise here yes Jay and I are 2:28 Avid players we love the sport we we 2:30 don't get to play as much now it's what 2:32 we used to because we're providing 2:34 pickle ball for other people uh which is 2:36 great it gives us much joy to be able to 2:38 do that um but um we we chose pickle 2:41 ball because of the growing sport that 2:43 it is yeah I tell you you know pickle 2:45 ball is not slowing down the most recent 2:47 sfia study is saying that there's over 2:50 13 million people that are playing this 2:53 consistently uh playing the game of 2:54 pickle ball there's some other studies 2:56 that are even significantly higher than 2:58 that so this game is not slowing down 3:00 it's awesome to see the growth the sport 3:02 the sport is growing so much nobody in 3:05 the industry ever really expected it and 3:08 it's growing fast faster than anybody 3:09 could expect so there's some hiccups 3:11 with that growth so I think that what's 3:13 happening on the horizon a lot of 3:15 different things but a lot of teaching 3:18 things are popping up players love to be 3:21 taught they love camps they love clinics 3:22 they love to travel so I think the 3:25 travel industry for pickle ball is going 3:27 to explode it's already exploding you 3:29 know destion pickle ball is the thing 3:32 you know you think about in this area 3:34 the pickle ball ports that have popped 3:36 up on condo associations you know it's 3:38 like come here rent here for the season 3:40 cuz we have pickle ball fors and that's 3:42 happening all over so the camp said uh 3:45 we started with so we pretty much start 3:47 up forth one or two but we quickly grew 3:49 because of theand for it and everybody's 3:51 interested so we pretty much went up 3:52 within the first year uh we're probably 3:55 about 50 camps um a year and then we've 3:58 been PR holding about 100 to 120 we 4:01 probably have about 20 in South America 4:03 we're growing big there we probably have 4:05 a dozen in the Caribbean uhal Australia 4:08 we have a full team out in Australia 4:09 doing probably two a month right now a 4:11 couple of the best instructors Sarah bir 4:13 is probably the number one female in 4:14 Australia and this year we're actually 4:16 launching across Europe and the big 4:18 thing is this this not the bu day we do 4:20 that's the nation camps too so we go to 4:22 Club deed we we go to these resource 4:24 everything where we'll play for three 4:25 days and then they'll have four days so 4:27 it's a week long vacation so and then 4:29 we're going to spreading that off to 4:30 Italy and UK and Ireland and making it a 4:32 whole lot of fun so that's coming next 4:34 year my name is s basford um I'm at the 4:36 US Open today and this week just uh for 4:39 a vacation on holiday from 4:41 England um I've played here previously 4:44 um great fun but this time just here to 4:46 watch and and support the fellow Brits 4:49 the growth in the UK is probably maybe 4:51 10 or 12 years behind um we've had sort 4:55 of small booms you know we consider them 4:57 to be booms um nothing like what's going 4:59 on here yet but the the real factor for 5:03 me is accessibility you know anyone can 5:05 play this sport um you know if you've 5:07 never played before I could take you on 5:08 to court and in half an hour be playing 5:10 games um and really that's that's for me 5:13 the the most important part second to 5:16 that the social Factor you know you it's 5:19 a bit of a cliche but everyone's really 5:21 nice and pickle ball you know we all get 5:22 along um there's a real Community feel 5:25 and I think for for me personally that's 5:28 really important in sport is to be 5:29 competitive but also to 5:31 enjoy um just playing for fun it brings 5:34 families together you can literally have 5:37 your 5-year-old which we have witnessed 5:39 and your 90-year-old grandfather playing 5:42 the same Sport and laughing and having 5:45 such a great time together as a family 5:48 we believe as the college sport of 5:51 pickle ball this this thriving sport of 5:53 pickle ball progresses all over the 5:54 world whether that be the Olympics or 5:56 college that as it moves into college 5:58 sports as we see it pickle ball will 6:00 become the first major college sport D1 6:04 sport that cuts across the gender lines 6:06 where men and women play on the same 6:08 court or field together there is no 6:09 other college sport Collegiate sport 6:11 that allows men and women to play 6:13 together on the same field or court and 6:15 we believe pickle ball will be that 6:16 first sport to do it yeah you the 6:18 question gets asked you know is this is 6:20 this a tournament sport participation 6:22 recreational Sport and my answer is yes 6:24 it it's all and and you know the 6:26 tournament side is growing tremendously 6:28 there's T more and more tournaments 6:29 throughout the whole country all the 6:30 time um you know but actually you know 6:33 of the millions and millions that are 6:34 playing this most of them actually don't 6:35 participate in in tournaments you know 6:37 so the recreational side is is that much 6:40 bigger and and and and as from a USA 6:42 pickleball standpoint you know we 6:43 support this sport I want to support all 6:45 the players put a lot of attention on 6:48 all those recreational players that are 6:49 out there playing this sport because 6:50 that's that's the majority of them but 6:52 there's no slowing down on the on the on 6:54 the competition side either inherently I 6:56 think picko is is a participation sport 7:00 and if you gave people the choice they'd 7:02 rather be playing it than watching it um 7:05 I'm a big football fan soccer fan so I'm 7:08 more than happy to sit and watch as much 7:09 football as I can and I'm happy not to 7:11 play it because I enjoy watching it so 7:14 there's a balance there definitely with 7:16 you know people love playing and do they 7:18 love playing more than they do watching 7:20 at the moment yes this really came 7:22 together by showing the county that we 7:24 were going to bring tourism to the park 7:27 and to Naples call your County and when 7:30 we proved to them the first year that we 7:33 were bringing tourism here it it was a 7:35 marriage made in heaven and you think 7:37 now how much money I mean 7:40 2023 we brought over $14 million of 7:43 economic impact this year we'll probably 7:45 be closer to 17 or8 $18 million of 7:48 economic impact what inspired us to take 7:51 the risk of leaving our corporate jobs 7:53 and entering this world that we really 7:55 didn't know a whole lot about but 7:57 sometimes you have to take gambles and 7:58 you have to take risk sometimes the 8:00 biggest rewards is when you take the big 8:03 biggest risk and I would say that's what 8:06 happened here we're living the American 8:08 dream 8:09 [Music]

Last week's ?event didn't disappoint - a week of great matches in beautiful Naples, FL, had more than 50K attendees. Check-out what a few of the executives leading the Pickleball industry had to say while attending the event, and you'll understand that what makes the industry so special aren't only the players, but the people guiding the sport through its explosive growth. Also tagging ?@pickleballengland? here because Sam Basford, one of the most insightful, inspired and thoughtful voices emerging on the global pickleball scene, is among executives interviewed.


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